Monday, December 7, 2009

Dumfries Newspaper

Dumfries first newspaper started in 1777. The newspaper article about Aucheninnes came from the Dumfries and Galloway Standard. I put a transcription of the newspaper article yesterday on my website dated January 7 1856. The key to using the newspaper is the paper index that is available. When I was at Ewart library in Dumfries, I couldn't image anyone trying to read the newspaper on microfiche. The print is small and somewhat blurry. The index gets you on the right page and cloumn.
The newspaper covers the Galloway region. The index on this page is Mckenzie's in the area in the 1840' and 1850's. In the parish of Urr there was only one Mckenzie family, that also included Dalbeattie. Dalbeattie was the most populated place in the parish. The Mckenzie's had a long lease on the Aucheninnes farm that apparently ended in 1856. I'm uncertain how long they were on the farm. The voters list for 1835 indicates that they were on the farm in 1835, so they were their at least 20 years or more. Lets hope that they digitize the Dumfries Newspaper soon and put it online.

1 comment:

  1. Hello

    I found your site as I was looking up Scoggins information. My grandfather was Fred Scoggins who married Grace Keeter. They were from North Carolina. I was adopted and have very little info about them - I did find Grace when she was in her 80's, but Fred had already died. Grace died sometime in late 70's as I recall. Their daughter, Doris, was my birth mother.

    Did you come across Fred Scoggins in your research?
